Easy Instant Pot Sweet Potatoes Recipe

Instant Pot sweet potatoes make a simple side dish. These easy-to-make potatoes are fluffy and tender.  


– 2 to 4 sweet potatoes all the same size; See Note – 1 cup cool water (240mL)


Clean the sweet potatoes well and use a fork to make a few holes in the top of each one.  

Step 1

Set a trivet inside the Instant Pot and lay the potatoes out in a single line on it. Put the water in. Make sure the steam valve is closed and the lid is tight.  

Step 2

Potatoes of different sizes need different amounts of time to cook at high pressure. Small potatoes need 20 minutes, medium potatoes 30 minutes, and big potatoes 45 minutes.  

Step 3

Let pressure relax naturally for 10 minutes. Release the pressure manually or quickly. Tongs safely remove the potatoes from the lid.   

Step 4

Serve hot or let it cool to room temperature before putting it in the fridge for up to a week in a jar that won't let air in.  

Step 5

Also See 

Delicious Chocolate Scones Recipe