Easy Cherry Frangipane Tart Recipe

A tart that is sweet and fragrant, great for the summertime. This recipe yields one tart measuring 9 inches in diameter.  


Tart crust – 150 g 1 cup 2 TBSPs | 5.3 oz all purpose flour – 75 g 2/3 stick unsalted butter, frozen – 30 g 1/4 cup | 1 oz powdered sugar – 1/4 teaspoon salt – 2 egg yolks beaten – 45 ml 3 TBSPs ice cold water, more if needed Cherry frangipane filling – 75 g 2/3 stick unsalted butter, softened – 75 g 5 1/2 TBSPs | 2.6 oz granulated sugar – 45 g 4 1/2 TBPSs | 1.5 oz all-purpose flour – 1/4 teaspoon salt – 1/2 teaspoon baking powder – 50 g 6 TBSPs 1.8 oz almond meal – 1 medium egg – 1/4 teaspoon almond extract about 100-150g 3.5 - 5 oz cherries, pitted – 2 tablespoons strawberry or cherry jam For serving: vanilla ice cream, powdered sugar

Step 1

Grate butter over flour in a large bowl. Mix sugar and salt with a fork. Mix the yolks and water until the dough comes together. 


Step 2

The clumps will resemble crumbs of varied sizes. Using your fingers, it should stick together; if not, add water.  

Step 3

Knead dough into a disk. Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, butter a 23-cm (9-inch) tart pan with removable bottom and preheat oven to 200°C (392°F).  

Step 4

Roll the dough into a circle somewhat larger than the pan on a lightly floured board. Push dough into pan.   

Step 5

Fix tears by pushing the dough together again. After forking dough, chill it in the fridge for 30 minutes or freeze it for 10 minutes.

Step 6

Line dough with parchment and baking beans/weights. Bake for 10 minutes to set the edge. Remove paper and beans and bake for 5 more minutes until tart is brown and dry. After baking, let cool.  

Step 7

Prepare filling: Cream butter and sugar until frothy. Mix egg and almond essence. Finally, add flours, salt, and baking powder.   

Step 8

Mix well and pour into the tart shell. Spread evenly and add cherries. Bake until the filling hardens and turns golden brown, 25–30 minutes.  

Step 9

After baking, brush tart with jam while warm. Sprinkle powdered sugar if desired. Serving warm or room temperature with ice cream on the side. Eat leftover tart within 1-2 days if wrapped in the fridge.  

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