What Holding a Grudge Really Says About a Person 

When you hold a grudge, you feel wrath, bitterness, resentment, or other bad emotions long after someone wounded you. It's usually a reaction to something that's happened

If you're still upset after an incident, you may be hanging onto unpleasant feelings longer than others would. You may remember several prior misdeeds and relive them every time you think about or interact with that individual

Holding a grudge can injure you as much as the person who started it, regardless of your intentions. Holding grudges can harm you emotionally, physically, and socially, therefore it's crucial to let them go and manage anger.

Grudges are a common response to negative emotions and events from childhood. If you think someone wounded you maliciously, callously, or thoughtlessly and doesn't apologize or make amends, this reaction is frequent.

Some people retain grudges more than others, but we all do it sometimes. Grudges and blaming others can be self-protective. Some people may be aware that they are fueling bitterness, while others may not realize it. 

Naturally, resentments and chronic rage stem from major blunders like forgetting your birthday, not assisting you when you need them, making a foolish or nasty comment, or letting you down in another terrible way. 

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