Grandma’s Cinnamon Rolls Recipe

– 5 3/4 cups bread flour, divided – 2 (0.25oz each) packages (14g) or 4 1/2 teaspoons Red Star Active Dry Yeast – 1/2 cup granulated sugar – 1 1/2 teaspoons table salt – 3/4 cup milk – 3/4 cup water – 1/4 cup unsalted butter (room temperature) – 2 large eggs (room temperature)


For the Dough 

– 1/3 cup unsalted butter (melted) – 1/2 cup chopped nut – 3/4 cup granulated sugar – 2 tablespoons cinnamon– 1/2 cup sugar – 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon


For the Cinnamon Mixture 

– 2 cups powdered sugar – 1/2 teaspoon maple flavor – 3 tablespoons unsalted butter (melted) – 3 to 4 tablespoons hot coffee (or hot milk)


For the Glaze 


Rounded Banner With Dots


Combine 2 cups flour, yeast, sugar, and salt in a stand mixer using a paddle attachment. Without melting the butter, bring milk, water,

and butter to 120–130°F in a saucepan or microwave-safe dish. Blend flour on low for 30 seconds. Beat eggs for three minutes on medium speed.

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Change to dough hook. Make a soft dough by gradually adding the remaining flour. Knead for 5–8 minutes until smooth and elastic.

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Turn dough in lightly greased basin to grease top. Cover and let rise 1 hour until finger pricks dough to second knuckle leaves indentation.

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Put the sugar, almonds, and cinnamon in a bowl and put it aside.

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Press dough. Equally divide. On a lightly dusted board, roll or pat each half into a 12x9-inch rectangle. Dip half the dough in melted butter and fill half.

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Roll and squeeze 12-inch side. 12 slices. Two oiled 13x9-inch pans. Four 9- or 10-inch buttered pie pans work. Cover and rise until roll side touches indentation.

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Bake till golden brown, 20–25 minutes. Tent rolls with foil for the last 5-10 minutes of baking to avoid overbrowning.

Rounded Banner With Dots


To make the glaze, put all the ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Pour over warm rolls; allow to cool.

also see

also see

Morning Glory Muffins Recipe