Easy Honey Butter Recipe

It's really simple to make this honey butter! A final drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of salt make it impossible to resist. This recipe makes about ¾ cup. If you want to feed a lot of people, double it. 


– One stick of unsalted butter (4 ounces or 8 tablespoons), softened – 3 tablespoons honey – ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon – ⅛ teaspoon fine salt  – For garnish: Drizzle of honey, and a sprinkle of flaky sea salt or kosher salt

Put the softened butter, honey, cinnamon, and salt in a 2-cup liquid measuring cup or another small mixing bowl with high sides that won't break. 

Step 1


Whip the ingredients together with a hand mixer until the butter is fluffy and light. Move the mix to a small bowl for serving. 

Step 2

Put a little honey on top, and then add a pinch of flaky salt or kosher salt. You can serve it right away or put it in the fridge to enjoy later (let it warm up again before serving). 

Step 3

When stored in the refrigerator, covered, leftovers can be stored for up to five days without going bad. 

Step 4

See Also

Cowboy Caviar Recipe