Citrus Olive Oil Cake Recipe

This moist olive oil cake tastes citrusy. This cake is easy (no mixer). Lemon, orange, or any fresh citrus fruit can be used instead of blood orange (see recipe variations above).  


– 1 ½ cups white whole wheat flour or regular whole wheat flour – 2 teaspoons baking powder – ¼ teaspoon salt – 2 teaspoons citrus zest (I used 2 blood oranges here) – ¼ cup fresh citrus juice – 1 cup sugar (I used organic cane sugar) – ¾ cup plain whole-milk yogurt – 3 egg – ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract – ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil Glaze (optional, see other ideas above recipe) – ⅓ cup powdered sugar (here’s how to make your own) – 2 to 3 teaspoons fresh citrus juice

Warm the oven up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Butter and flour a loaf pan that is 8½ by 4¿ inches. Put the flour, baking powder, and salt in a medium-sized bowl and mix them together with a whisk.

Step 1


Transfer sugar to another medium mixing bowl. Grate 2 teaspoons of fresh citrus zest into the bowl using a Microplane. Rub the zest into the sugar to give it a citrus scent and colour.

Step 2

In a liquid measuring cup, combine ¾ cup yoghurt and ¼ cup citrus juice for 1 cup total liquid. Whisk yoghurt, juice, eggs, and vanilla into sugar mixture until well blended.

Step 3

Mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until combined. Fold the oil with a spatula until fully incorporated. Shiny batter. Smooth the top of the batter in the loaf pan.

Step 4

Bake the cake for 50–55 minutes, or until the top is golden and the sides pull away from the pan and a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean.

Step 5

Run a knife between the cake and the pan sides to loosen after 10 minutes of cooling. To unmold the cake, carefully turn the loaf pan upside down on a large plate. Let the cake cool to room temperature after carefully flipping it.

Step 6

To glaze (optional): Put powdered sugar in a small bowl. Add enough blood orange juice to make a thick glaze that drips off your whisk. Scatter glaze over the cake. After 15 minutes, slice and serve the glaze.

Step 7

See Also

Lemon Raspberry Muffins Recipe