9 Types of Meditation for good Health


Thick Brush Stroke

Most meditations involve focusing on a thought, object, or movement. This meditation actively trains the mind to focus.

Concentration meditation


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weakness. A magnesium deficiency usually starts with these symptoms.

You suspect the flu.


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

The goal of mindfulness meditation is to be present without judgment. Simply noticing thoughts, feelings, sensations, or nearby events.  

Mindfulness meditation


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

A person repeats a spiritual word, sound, or sentence aloud or mentally in mantra meditation. It quiets and trains the mind to concentrate. 

Mantra meditation


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Traditionally, Buddhists practice zazen, or sitting meditation. This spiritual practice involves sitting upright and breathing.

Zen meditation


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Transcendental Meditation is a mantra meditation. This well-researched and popular method helps practitioners transcend the mind and clear distracting thoughts. 

Transcendental meditation


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Metta Bhavana, or lovingkindness meditation, contemplates love. It reduces suffering and fosters compassion. Meditation begins with self-love, then love for others, and love for all life. 

Loving-kindness meditation


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Qigong is movement meditation. Gentle exercises and controlled breathing boost energy and calm the mind.



Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Yoga Nidra is yogic sleep. A teacher leads a meditation through the five layers of self while a person rests in savasana.

Yoga Nidra


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Bowls, gongs, chimes, and cymbals facilitate reflection in a sound bath. Sound soothes the nervous system. 

Sound bath meditation


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

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