9 Surprising Health Benefits of Meditation


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You probably know meditation reduces stress. It's one of the main reasons people start. The stress relief is molecular, not mental.

Reduces stress


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Thick Brush Stroke

Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weakness. A magnesium deficiency usually starts with these symptoms.

You suspect the flu.


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Thick Brush Stroke

Unchecked long-term stress can raise blood pressure and cardiac risk. When combined with stress-reduction techniques, meditation may lower blood pressure by affecting cortisol.

Lowers blood pressure


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Thick Brush Stroke

Meditation helps manage anxiety, depression, and stress. In people with anxiety and depression, meditation can reduce worries, improve well-being, and boost optimism.

Aids anxiety and depression


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Meditation can be a helpful addition to treatment for addiction because it makes you more aware and teaches your brain how to shift your focus.

Helps manage addiction and cravings


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Thick Brush Stroke

You read right. Meditation may maintain health.Meditation may boost the immune system and promote healthy aging, according to growing evidence.

Immune system booster


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Chronic pain and inflammation are common in diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and cancer. Meditation can reduce inflammation and ease chronic pain. 

Eases pain


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Try a quick bedtime meditation if worries and thoughts keep you up at night. On restless nights, it can help you relax by promoting calmness and deep breathing. 

Improves sleep qualitya


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Some forgetfulness is normal, especially with age. Meditation may help prevent Alzheimer's disease and improve memory. 

Boosts memory in older adults


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When you have writer's block or a difficult problem, meditation may help.  Mindfulness meditation increases openness to new ideas and perspectives.

Promotes creativity


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Thick Brush Stroke

Also See


9 Types of Meditation for good Health