10 Simple Steps to Your Healthiest Lungs


Thick Brush Stroke

Stopping tobacco use is the fastest way to improve lung health. Smoking narrows airways and makes breathing harder. Chronic inflammation increases with smoking duration.

Stop Smoking


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Physical activity makes your heart and lungs work harder to oxygenate your muscles. Regular exercise strengthens your heart and lungs. 

Exercise regularly


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Thick Brush Stroke

The process of converting food into energy with oxygen (or metabolism) requires your lungs. No single food provides all nutrients. 

Maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated


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Thick Brush Stroke

Even when you're healthy, keep your doctor's appointments to prevent illness. Lung disease, especially, can go undiagnosed until it's advanced. 

Get annual check-ups


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Thick Brush Stroke

Vaccination is the best way to prevent the spread of infectious respiratory diseases like influenza, COVID-19, pneumococcal pneumonia, and RSV.

Stay up to date with vaccinations


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Thick Brush Stroke

Outdoor air can be cleaner than indoor air, but many pollutants make it unhealthy. Over 30% of Americans live in unhealthy outdoor air. 

Avoid outdoor air pollution exposure


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Thick Brush Stroke

Secondhand smoke, household chemicals, mold, and radon can pollute indoor air and harm your lungs. Indoor air pollutants are especially dangerous for chronic lung patients. 

Improve indoor air quality


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Thick Brush Stroke

Many ways to breathe deeply can improve lung function and help you manage stress. Lung strength and endurance can improve with these breathing exercises. 

Practice deep breathing


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Thick Brush Stroke

Handwashing regularly for 20 seconds can prevent infections. Hand sanitizer can be used when water is scarce.

Maintain good hygiene


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Thick Brush Stroke

 Low-dose CT scans can detect lung cancer before symptoms appear, reducing high-risk deaths. Consult your doctor to see if you qualify for the test.

Get screened for Lung Cancer


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

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The 13 Best Foods to Increase Blood Circulation